The following terms and definitions are used in this Code and associated documents:
Adequate: The terminologies “adequate”, “where appropriate”, “where necessary”, or “sufficient”mean that it is up to the business Operator in first instance to decide whether a requirement is necessary, appropriate, adequate or sufficient to achieve the objectives of the Code. In determining whether a requirement is adequate, appropriate, necessary, or sufficient, account should be taken to the nature of the feed and of its intended use ( adopted from EC Guidance Document 2005 on Regulation 852/2004/EC and modified).
足够: 术语 “足够”、 “在适当情况下”、 “必要时”或 “充分” 的含义是,首先由生产经营者决定一项要求
时,应考虑饲料的性质以及其预期用途的性质 (摘自法规825/2004/EC及2005修订版的EC指南文件)。
Agent: An individual or firm authorised to act on behalf of an Operator such as by executing commercial transactions without ever taking legal responsibility of the product and the way it is supplied and provided into the feed chain.
代理: 被授权作为经营者代表,执行商业交易的个人或公司,他们对产品和将产品供应和提供给饲料链
Authorised personnel: Persons who have skills, permission and purpose as specified by job descriptions, process descriptions or management.
被授权人员: 由职位描述、工艺说明或管理规定的具有技能、许可和用途的人员。
Batch: unit of production from a single plant using uniform production parameters or a number of such units, when produced in continuous order and stored together. It consists of an identifiable quantity of feed which is determined to have common characteristics, such as origin, variety, type of packing, packer, consignor or labelling. (COM(2008)124 final and Regulation 767/2009/EC)
人或标签。 (COM(2008) 124 final and Regulation 767/2009/EC)
Calibration: The demonstration that a particular instrument or device produces results within specified limits by comparison with those produced by a reference or traceable standard over an appropriate range of measurements.
校准: 通过在适当的测量范围内与参照或可溯源标准所产生的结果相比较,对一台特定的仪器或装置产生
Carrier: Substance used to dissolve, dilute, disperse or otherwise physically modify a feed additive in order to facilitate its handling, application or use without altering its technological function and without exerting any technological effect themselves. (COM(2008)124 final & Regulation (EC) 767/2009)
技术功能且本身并不施加任何技术作用的物质。 (COM(2008)124 final & Regulation (EC) 767/2009)
Carry-over: Contamination of a material or product with another material or product that originates from previous use of equipment and would alter the quality and safety beyond the established specifications.
残留: 一种原料或产品对另一种原料或产品的污染(物),它源自设备的先前使用并将使其质量和安全
Check/control: Monitor and measure processes against policies, objectives and requirements for the product and report results. The state wherein correct procedures are being followed and criteria are being met. ( Codex Alimentarius )
检查/ 控制: 根据方针、目标和产品要求对过程进行监视和测量,并报告结果。执行正确的程序满足
标准要求( Codex Alimentarius ).
CIP: Cleaning-in-place.