1. A documented procedure for conducting due diligence on suppliers/subcontractors, private employment agencies and sub-suppliers’ compliance with the SA8000 Standard is available (9.10.1).
2. Adequate and accurate records with the following information are maintained (9.10.1):
a. Method of communicating the requirements of SA8000 to senior leadership of
suppliers/subcontractors, private employment agencies and sub-suppliers;
b. Significant risks of non- conformance by suppliers/subcontractors, private
employment agencies and sub- suppliers;
c. Efforts made to ensure that significant risks identified are adequately
addressed by suppliers/subcontractors, private employment agencies and sub-suppliers;
d. Monitoring activities of performance to ensure that suppliers/subcontractors,
private employment agencies and sub- suppliers are adequately addressing identified
significant risks;
e. List of home workers who provide services to the organisation.
i. The list includes the home workers’ location, type of service(s) provided,
results of monitoring for SA8000 compliance, and the list and status of corrective
and preventive actions in process.
If private employment agencies are used, the organisation ensures that:
1. It maintains a list of the private employment agencies it works with. This list provides, at a minimum,the private employment agency’s address and information about any sub- private employment agencies that they use (9.10.1).
2. The organisation has a contract with any and all private employment agencies used, which includes clearlydefined performance indicators (9.10.1).