Code of Practice: Document identifying the principles of feed hygiene essential to ensure the safety of feed for animals and in turn the safety of animal products intended for human consumption.
操作规范: 为确保动物饲料安全,从而确保供人类消费的动物产品安全,所确定的饲料卫生要素原则的文件。
Compound feed: Mixture of feed materials, whether or not containing feed additives, for oral animal feeding in the form of complete or complementary feed. (COM(2008)124 final & Regulation (EC)767/2009)
配合饲料:饲料原料的混合物,不论是否含有饲料添加剂,以全价或补充饲料的形式用于饲喂动物。 (COM(2008)124 final & Regulation (EC) 767/2009)
Contaminant: any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter, or other substances not intentionally added to food or feed which may compromise food and/or feed safety or suitability. ( Codex Alimentarius and adapted )
污染物:任何生物或化学物质,异物或其他物质并非有意添加于食品或饲料可能危及到食品和/或饲料的安全性或适用性。( Codex Alimentarius and adapted )
Contamination: The undesired introduction of impurities/contaminant (chemical or microbiological nature or of foreign matter), into or onto a raw material, intermediate, and products covered by FAMI- QS scope during production, sampling, packaging or repackaging, storage or transport. (Codex Alimentarius and adapted)
污染: 在生产、取样、包装或二次包装以及储存或运输过程中,杂质/污染物(化学或微生物性质的物质或外部物质)进入或附着于原料、中间产品、FAMI-QS范围覆盖产品所造成的非预期的传入。 (Codex Alimentarius and adapted)
Control Measure: any action and activity that can be used to prevent or eliminate a feed/food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. (Codex Alimentarius and adapted)
控制措施:任何行动和活动,可用于防止或消除饲料/食品安全危害或将其减少到可接受的水平。 (Codex Alimentarius and adapted)
Corrective Action: Action to eliminate the cause of a detected non- conformity or other undesirable situation. Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence whereas preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence. (ISO 22000:2005)
纠正措施:为消除已发现的不合格或其他不期望情况的原因所采取的措施。采取纠正措施是为了防止再发生,而采取预防措施是为了防止发生。 (ISO 22000:2005)
Cross-Contamination: Contamination of a material or product with another material or product.
交叉污染: 一种原料或产品与另一种原料或产品的污染。
Crisis: An event that represents an immediate and significant threat to animal and/or human health resulting from the production or supply of unsafe or illegal product; where the product has left the immediate control of the feed business Operator. (synopses from articles 15 & 19, Regulation (EC) 178/2002/EC).
危机:一种事件,其表现为由于不安全或不合法产品的生产和提供导致对动物或人类健康产生直接和显著威胁,同时该产品已脱离饲料生产经营者的直接控制。 ( 摘自 articles 15 &19, Regulation 178/2002/EC).
Critical Control Point (CCP): a step at which control can be applied and that is essential to prevent or eliminate a feed / food safety hazard or to reduce it to an acceptable level. (Codex Alimentarius and adapted)
关键控制点(CCP):应用于防止或消除饲料/食品安全危害或将其降低到可接受的水平必不可少的一个步骤。 (Codex Alimentarius and adapted)
Critical Limit: a criterion that separates acceptability from unacceptability (Codex Alimentarius) .
关键限值:区分可接受和不可接受的标准。 (Codex Alimentarius) .
EC: 欧盟委员会