BSCI Code of Conduct
This includes - but is not limited to - (a)
apprenticeship schemes where there is no intent to impart skills or provide regular
employment, (b) seasonality or contingency work when used to undermine workers’
protection, and (c) labour-only contracting. Furthermore, the use of sub-contracting may not
serve to undermine the rights of workers.
No Bonded Labour
Business partners shall not engage in any form of servitude, forced, bonded, indentured,
trafficked or non-voluntary labour.
Business partners will risk allegations of complicity if they benefit from the use of such forms
of labour by their business partners.
Business partners shall act with special diligence when engaging and recruiting migrant
workers both directly and indirectly.
Business partners shall allow their workers the right to leave work and freely terminate their
employment provided that workers give reasonable notice to the employer.
Business partners shall ensure that workers are not subject to inhumane or degrading
treatment, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion and/or verbal abuse.
All disciplinary procedures must be established in writing, and are to be explained verbally to
workers in clear and understandable terms.
Protection of the Environment
Business partners observe this principle when they take the necessary measures to avoid
environmental degradation, without prejudice to the specific expectations set out in this
Business partners should assess significant environmental impact of operations, and
establish effective policies and procedures that reflect their environmental responsibility. They
will see to implement adequate measures to prevent or minimise adverse effects on the
community, natural resources and the overall environment.
Ethical Business Behaviour
Business partners observe this principle when, and without prejudice to the goals and
expectations set out in this chapter, they are not involved in any act of corruption, extortion
or embezzlement, nor in any form of bribery - including but not limited to - the promising,
offering, giving or accepting of any improper monetary or other incentive.
Business partners are expected to keep accurate information regarding their activities,
structure and performance, and should disclose these in accordance with applicable
regulations and industry benchmark practices.
Business partners should neither participate in falsifying such information, nor in any act of
misrepresentation in the supply chain.
Furthermore, they should collect, use and otherwise process personal information (including
that from workers, business partners, customers and consumers in their sphere of influence)
with reasonable care. The collection, use and other processing of personal information is to
comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements.
VI. Appendices
1. Terms of Implementation
2. BSCI Reference: Compilation of International Standards relevant for the
implementation of the Code such as ILO Conventions and Recommendations.
3. BSCI Glossary