Scoring 分数
• The Higg index scoring is numerical from 0-100, in which we have applied the average score of all facilities scores into 1 VRME or SRME score for the business partner.
• 完成Higg Index自我评估后会得到0-100分,Target将把中间商的所有工厂所得分数总和的平均值作为其评分。
• If a nominated factory does not complete the assessment, they will receive a score of “0”, which would then drive down the overall average score for the businesspartner.
• 如果工厂未按要求完成自我评估,将会得到零分,从而拉低其中间商的分数。
• At this time, Target is less focused on the business partners numerical score and more focused on ensuring that they are partnering with their factories to effectivelymanage their environmental impacts.
• 目前,Target更多关注中间商是否积极推动工厂改善环境绩效,而非评分。
2017 Timing时间表
All authorized tier 2 facilities should complete a new Higg Self-Assessment for 2017 (based onenvironmental performance in 2016)
• Deadline to complete you self-assessment is May 2017
• Again, you participation will be reflected in your 2017 Target scorecard
自我评估的情况将会体现在2017年的供应商评估中 。