Assessment Protocol 评估方案
Auditors should bring a copy of the TCCC Assessment Protocol to each assessment to be used as a worksheet during the assessment process (an abbreviated copy is included in the Handbook appendices for reference). The Assessment Protocol includes guidelines for the opening and closing meetings, a checklist of documents that must be obtained from the facility manager, and TCCC requirements regarding employee interviews and records. In addition, the document lists all the required observations in the form of yes/no questions with checkboxes. By checking off each checkbox, the auditor can be assured that they have thoroughly addressed all required components of the assessment. The completed Assessment Protocol serves as a quick reference guide to facilitate the completion of the full assessment report and Assessment Summary Report.
Employee Interview Notes 员工访谈记录
The Employee Interview Notes form (included as an attachment) is an additional worksheet designed to guide auditors through the required employee interviews. Auditors should bring this form with them to each interview to ensure they address all the required topics and write down any notes in the space provided. Like the Assessment Protocol, the Employee Interview Notes serve as a quick reference guide to facilitate the completion of the full assessment report and Assessment Summary Report. The Employee Interview Notes should be destroyed immediately upon completion of the Assessment Report. This practice helps to protect employees from the possibility of retribution by facilitymanagement in cases where they have provided honest feedback to the auditors that might expose serious SGP violations.
Please note the following procedural requirements:
1. Keep a list of the employees interviewed, but dispose of all employee comments immediately after the assessment report is completed. Take all notes with you. Do NOT dispose of any assessment materials at the facility.
2. It is not a requirement from TCCC to take photographs, unless they are taken for purposes of documentation of a violation or corrective action.
3. No photos of employees may be taken at any time.