Section 2-成品区域划分及状态标识管理 Finish Goods Area Layout & Labeling Management
Vendor internal finishing good area for inspection purpose should include below areas with different color identification:
2.1.1检验区 Inspection Area
2.1.2待检区 Waiting for Inspection Area
2.1.3检验合格区 Inspection Passed Area
2.1.4检验不合格区 Inspection NG (Not Good) Area
2.2供应商内部检验完成的成品按 LOT 放置需要有如下的状态标识且标识内容包括 PO#信息,机种名称, 数量,批准,原因备注等; 请参考附录-Inspected lots of finishing good by vendor internal quality check must have below identified status with PO# information, model number, Q’ty, Approved by, remark informaiont etc.:
2.2.1合格 PASS
2.2.2不合格 REJECT
2.2.3待处理 PENDING
Finshing good warehouse layout requriement (Only finishing good passed vendor’s internal quality check can be deliveried to FG warehouse:
2.3.1待客验区域 Area by Waiting for Customer Inspection
2.3.2待客确认出货区域 Area by Waiting for Customer Approve Shipment
2.4成品仓库成品状态标识 -成品按 LOT 放置需要有如下的状态标识且标识内容包括 PO#信息,机种名称,数量等; 请参考附录-
Inspected lots of finishing good by vendor internal quality check must have below identified status withPO# information, model number, Q’ty, Approved by, remark informaiont etc.:
2.4.1客验批准合格 Customer judgement is PASS
2.4.2客验判定不合格 Customer judgement is NG
2.4.3客验判定待处理 Customer judgement is Pending