The Tchibo Social and Environmental Monitoring Programme
- Supplier Manual 3.00e -
7.2. Overview of Important Documents
This list offers an overview of the relevant documents that might be checked during an audit.
It does not make any claims to completeness.
Employment Documentation
Personnel records
Working contracts
Age documentation
Timekeeping records including overtime
Payrolls and other proof of wage payment
Proof of social security contributions, social security documents
Wage lists including the basis for every wage calculation, e.g. of produced pieces for piecework labourers, of deductions, etc.
Basis for calculation of piece work
Facility Policies
Business licence
Company rules including policies regarding disciplinary measures and anti-discrimination
Documentation of employee training sessions in the area of labour and social standards
Protocols of meetings and agreements with the workers' representatives
Proof that subcontractors comply with the social and environmental standards
Health & Safety
Plant layout or facility evacuation plot plan and emergency response plan
Documentation with respect to inspection of buildings, workplaces, electrical installations and machines for potential dangers
Training records, e.g. in the area of fire fighting, building evacuation or machine operation
Inspection records of fire extinguishers
Job hazard assessments and list of required personal protective equipment
Material Safety Data Sheets
Certification of drinking water facilities
Certificates of qualification for the medical personnel and trained first aid assistants
Air emission permits and monitoring records
Wastewater discharge monitoring reports and permits
Waste management documentation
7.3. Contact at Tchibo
For any queries on the Social and Environmental Monitoring Process, please contact:
Vendor Relations Non Food
Tchibo GmbH