The following examples describe when FAMA Applications are required:
样例1: Denim shirt with Mickey embroidered patch and Mickey-shaped buttons
• You must submit a FAMA Application for the Facilities that produce the Mickey embroidered patch and
Mickey-shaped buttons, as well as for the Facilities that attach the embroidered patch and buttons
onto the shirt.
• You must also submit a FAMA Application for any Facilities that produce, assemble, label, and/or package
materials involving Disney intellectual property.
• You do not need to submit a FAMA Application for the location where the “blank” denim shirts are produced.
However, the blank denim shirts must be produced in and sourced from a Permitted Sourcing Country and
consistent with other Disney policies.
样例2:Disney Book
• You must submit a FAMA Application for the Facility that prints the book, as well as for any Facilities that
provide packaging for the book involving Disney intellectual property.
• You do not need to submit a FAMA Application for the creative agency that produces the art or production film
(unless the same location is also used for production of the book), or for where the “blank” paper is produced.
However, the art or production film as well as the blank paper must be produced in and sourced from a
Permitted Sourcing Country and consistent with other Disney policies.
Facility and Merchandise Authorization (FAMA) Application
For each Facility that must be declared and authorized, Disney requires the submission of a FAMA Application. The FAMA Application identifies the name and location of the Facility in which you intend to engage in the production of Disney-branded products.
You must submit to Disney one FAMA Application for each Facility you intend to use. This includes any subcontractor Facilities handling, processing, manufacturing, or otherwise applying Disney’s intellectual property. (See Appendix 9: Facility and Merchandise Authorization (FAMA) Application for more information).
Additional Documentation
For Facilities in Permitted Sourcing Countries where ILS Audits are required, you must also submit a qualified ILS Audit Report in advance of production that demonstrates that the Facility is in compliance with the MCS unless one is already on file with Disney. (See Appendix 8: Permitted Sourcing Countries (PSC) for more information.)
Signed FAMA
Disney will evaluate each FAMA Application based upon information provided to Disney by you (or otherwise available to Disney). If you are authorized to use a Facility for production, Disney will provide you with a signed FAMA. Do not begin production of any Disney branded products prior to receipt of the signed FAMA from Disney. As used in this ILS Program Manual, the ‘production’ of Disney branded products includes the manufacture, processing, finishing, assembly, labeling, printing, and packaging of Disney branded products. If any Disney branded products are produced in violation of this or other requirements, you may be required, at your sole cost and expense, not to sell or distribute such products and/or to destroy or donate such products as Disney may direct. A signed FAMA from Disney also serves as a customs release document.
(See Appendix 10: Sample Signed Facility and Merchandise Authorization (FAMA) for more information.)