Feed material: Various products of vegetable or animal origin,whose principal purpose is to meet animals’nutritional needs, in their natural state, fresh or preserved, and products derived from the industrial processing thereof. Organic or inorganic substances, whether or not containing feed additives, which are intended for use in oral animal feeding either directly as such, or after processing, or in the preparation of compound feed, or as carriers of premixtures. (Regulation 767/2009/EC)
Feed Safety: High level of assurance that the feed (feedingstuff, feed material or products covered by FAMI- QS scope) willneither cause harm to the farm animals when prepared or consumed according to the intended use, nor to the final consumer. Throughout the Code, the word ‘Safety’ is taken to have the same meaning as ‘Feed Safety’.
First placing on the market: The initial placing on the European Union market of feed ingredient(s), an additive, premixture or products covered by FAMI- QS scope after its manufacture or the import of an additive or premixture. See ‘placing on the market’. (Regulation 1831/2003/EC and adapted)
首次投放市场: 在生产后或进口后首次将饲料原料,添加剂,预混料或FAMI-QS范围所覆盖产品在欧盟市场投放 。见“投放市场” 。
Flow diagram: A systematic representation of the sequence of steps or operations used in the production or manufacture of aparticular food or feed item. (Codex Alimentarius and adapted)
流程图: 用于某一特定食品或饲料的生产或制造的系列步骤或操作的系统化表示法。 (Codex Alimentarius and adapted)
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point): A system which identifies, evaluates, and
controls hazards to feed safety.
HACCP ( 危害分析和关键控制点): 一个识别、评价和控制危害以达到饲料安全的体系。
Hazard analysis: The process of collecting and evaluating information on hazards, and conditions leading to their presence,to decide which are significant for feed safety and therefore shall be addressed in the HACCP plan.
危害分析: 收集和评价有关危害的信息和导致它们出现的条件,确定哪些对饲料安全是重要的,然后在HACCP计划中加以强调的过程。