Violation Matrix
To obtain the final score and support consistency in the assessment grading process,
Workplace Accountability uses an evaluation tool called the Violation Matrix. The matrix
serves as a uniform guideline for assessing assessment results so that ambiguity is
minimized regarding whether a finding will be cited and how much weight it will be
given. Pre-designated alphanumeric codes are assigned to common findings. Each
violation code begins with a letter followed by two numbers (i.e. F.2.3). The letter
indicates the finding type, as illustrated below:
A = Laws and Regulations
B = Child Labor
C = Forced Labor
D = Abuse of Labor
E = Freedom of Association / Collective Bargaining
F = Wages and Benefits
G = Working Hours and Overtime
H = Health and Safety
I = Environment
J = Demonstration of Compliance
Following the letter, the first number will be between 1 and 3. This number indicates the
severity of a finding, which determines its weighted value:
1 = Immediate Notification (100 points)
2 = Potential Risk (10 points)
3 = Improvement Opportunity (1 point)
Therefore, if a finding is coded as “F.2.4,” it can be immediately identified as a Potential
Risk finding pertaining to wages and benefits. The number that follows the first number
indicates the actual finding being cited. In each section of the matrix, there is also an
“other finding” category for findings that are not already included in the matrix. Auditors
are instructed to provide these suggested updates to the appropriate regional or global
account manager.
It is important to note that TCCC’s compliance assessments are assessed against national
and local law as a minimum, consistent with TCCC’s commitment to human rights in the
workplace. Therefore, findings listed in the matrix will be cited when they are supported
by national or local law. In addition, findings listed in the matrix under child labor, forced
labor, prison labor, physical abuse of employees, and demonstration of compliance
should be cited, even if they are not violations of national or local law.