Section 3 – 检验抽样要求 Requirement for Sample Inspection
3.1抽样检验标准和要求 Sample Inspection standard & requirement:
3.1.1按照 ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2003 General Level II 进行随机抽样,AQL 水平参考 BBY 产品规格中的定义; Random sample By ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2003 General Level II; AQL level is based on definition of BBY product specification (PS)
3.1.2产品检验中若连续 5 批或不足 5 批中有 3 批不合格,则从 LEVEL II 转到加严抽检(S-III),若连续 5 批合格,则从加严转到 LEVEL II; If there is 3 batches inspection are failed for continuous 5 batches or less 5 batches inspection, sample level will be tighten to Level III from Level II; After continuous 5 batches inspection are passed, then inspection level will be changed to level II from level III;
3.2BBY 执行抽样检验的条件 Condition by BBY implementation final random inspection:
3.2.1完成品达到 100% 订单数量; 100% order quantities for finishing good assemble are finished;
3.2.2100% 订单数量产品完成包装; 100% order quantities package are finished;
3.2.3供应商内部内部抽样检验完成并合格; Vendor finished internal inspection with pass result;
3.3.4BBY 执行抽样检验前,供应商需要提供内部检验合格的报告给相应的 SQE; Vendor must provide internal inspection reports to BBY SQE before BBY implement final random inspection;
3.3抽样方案 Sample solution:
3.3.1确定检验抽样水平,AQL 标准及采样数量; Confirm random inspection sample level, AQL standard and sample quantities;
3.3.2确定 PO# LOT 数量及箱数; Confirm PO# LOT quantities and carton quantities;
3.3.3确定开箱数:N=√N+1,N 为送检批箱数,开方后向上取整数; Confirm open box quantities: N=√N+1,N means inspection lot carton quantities,
3.4抽样步骤 Sampling Steps:
3.4.1点数: 分类堆放整齐 - 按分款,分 PO,分色,分码等摆放整齐; Count: stack up products by different model number, PO#, Color and size etc.
3.4.2抽箱 Carton Box drawing
2)抽箱要做到随机性, 保证每个箱都有被抽中的机会;
3.4.3 抽样 Sample Draw
1)抽样时要注意所抽取序列号的分布,不要集中在某集中地一个号段,且尾数箱必需要开箱 100%检验;