Dyeing and printing染色, 印刷
• Deep color, high COD, difficultcontrol on quality and quantity 色度高, COD高, 水质水量难以控制
• Factory usually has its own ETP or send to industrial central wastewater treatment plant. 通常工厂会被要求使用污水处理站将污水处理达标后排放
Electroplating 电镀
• Contain chromium, cyanide, and the other heavy metal
• 含铬,氰化物和其他重金属
• Factory usually has its own ETP or send to industrial central wastewater treatment plant. 工厂通常被要求使用污水处理站或集中式污水处理站处理废水, 去除重金属和中和ph值.
Drencher cabinet to reducepollution from spray painting喷漆水帘柜
• Oil, CODcr, BOD5, color, SS 产生含油, COD, 色度和悬浮物等 污染物
• Factory usually recycle the spray painting wastewater by removing part of the wastewater and adding refresh water. The volume is small so factory usually collect and send to licensed handler 工厂可能除去浮渣后会将水循环使用. 尽管量小,但废水仍需收集经有资质的处理商处理后达标排放.
Wastewater from washing theprinting panel丝印/移印网板清洗
• Oil, CODcr, BOD5, color, ss
• The volume is small so factory usually collect and send to licensed handler. 油墨废水也应妥善收集并交给有资质的处理方处理