1. Are packed master cartons well stored in a covered area or a good shelter to keep from sunshine, to avoid being flooded or rained upon and protected from dirt & rodents?
2. Is there adequate safeguard to prevent another company’s products from being packaged into master cartons?
3. Is there adequate control to prevent any defective or rejected products from being packed into master cartons?
4. Are semi-finished products well segregated from final finished products in the packing area?
5. Are finished products packed into master cartons immediately when case product count has been done?
6. Do workers wear gloves, hats/caps when necessary?
7. Is the method of product count into master cartons accurate?
8. Is the current procedure acceptable to avoid the possibility of shortage of product?
9. Is the packaging area tidy and free of contaminants?
10. Is there any equipment to use for stamping the date code, lot code, and case number?
11. Is filter connected to the water pipe used for steam boiler in pressing
12. Have the steam boilers been examined periodically by outside-certified engineers and with certificates to prove it?
13. Is cleaning liquid and agents properly stored to avoid fire catching or inhaling by workers?
14. Is weighing machine used to take the actual weight of the cartons?
15. Is barcode scanner used to verify the correctness of barcode stickers on packages (if applicable)?
16. Are finished cartons put on pallets to avoid direct contact with floor?
17. If laundry or washing machines are used, are there any written procedures for wastage water treatment?