1. Does factory QC perform internal final inspections on finished products?
2. Are there written formal inspection reports and are they properly filed and traceable to review quality of products?
3. Are customer drawings/specifications readily available from quality control or engineering department on request?
4. Does factory perform internal mechanical tests during production to safeguard the product’s quality?
5. Are there records to show factory has ever performed such mechanical safety tests?
6. Are adequate inspection and testing records maintained?
7. Does the factory inspect 100% of the product?
8. Is the sampling size of products for final inspection adequate enough to show the confidence of safe products?
9. Are there normal procedures to require acceptable inspection reports to authorize and shipment of the products?
10. Does factory perform 100% check on functionality? If not, is the current procedure sufficient?
11. Are measurement audit conducted during final inspection?
12. Are dummy used to check the fitting and hanging aspects of finished garments?
13. If some operations are sub-contracted out, will the factory send its QC to the sub-contractor’s site for monitoring the quality and are there any out-inspection records to
proving that?
Rating: Final Inspection: Score 1 Point for each marked yes.