般环境健康安全(General Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) )
11a. 一般环境健康安全(General Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) )
11.1 受核工厂应有一套内容包括环境卫生安全和工作条件政策和程序的环境卫生与安全计划书:The facility should have a written EHS program that includes policies and procedures for environmental, health, safety (EHS) and working conditions.
11.2 受核工厂用当地语文制订的环境卫生安全政策应可供全体雇员索阅:Facility’s written EHS policies should be available to all employees in the local language.
11.3 工厂须指派一名环境卫生与安全事务统筹员:An EHS coordinator should has been designated.
11.4 受核工厂须有一个负责环境卫生与安全事务的委员会/团队:The facility should have an EHS committee/team.
11.5 受核工厂须有关于工作场所环境卫生安全意识的推广活动:The facility should promote workplace EHS awareness.
11.6 所有雇员在开始执行新职务之前,都应接受与新工作有关的环境卫生安全培训/教育:Job-specific EHS training/education should be provided to all employees prior to starting a new job.
11.7 所有雇员都应有机会就环境卫生安全问题提出意见/表达关注:All employees should be given the opportunity to voice EHS opinions/concerns.
11.8 应对拟送进受核工厂的新组件、新物料、新化学品、新机器、新产品实施管制,以防对环境卫生安全有潜在损害的这些东西未经检验进入:The controls should be in place to prevent new components, materials, chemicals, machinery, and products from entering the facility, which have not been reviewed for potential EHS hazards.
11.9 送入受核工厂的容器均应贴附了图文清晰的标贴:The containers which coming into the facility should have been legibly affixed labels.
11.10 应向承包商的人员讲解作业场地环境卫生安全规则,并安排他们认识厂内的环境:Contractor personnel should be given site EHS rules and orientation.
11.11 全体雇员均应接受过化学品安全培训:The employees should have been trained on the subject of chemical safety.
11.12 所生产的、进口的或使用的化学品都应有最新的物料安全资料表(MSDS),而且都是用当地语文编写的,可供全体雇员索阅:Up-to-date MSDS’s should be present for all chemical produced, imported, or used, and they should be available to all employees in the local language.
11.13 所生产的、进口的和/或在作业场地上使用的危险化学品,应全部列入当进的库存化学品目录中:A current chemical inventory should be available for all hazardous chemicals produced, imported, and/or used at the site.
11.14 在处理和使用腐蚀性化学品或大量溶剂的地方须设置功能正常的紧急洗眼站和淋浴设备:Functional emergency eyewash station and showers should be provided where corrosive chemicals or high volumes of solvents are handled and used.
11.15 盛载着危险化学品的储存箱和加工箱、喉管、阀等均须附加标签和/或色标:Storage and process tanks, piping, and valves containing hazardous chemicals should be labeled and/or color-coded.
11b. 健康与安全(Health and Safety)
11.16 所有已经上报的意外事故和几乎酿成意外事故的情况都要调查:All reported accidents and near misses should be investigated.
a) 使用调查表格调查意外事故/几乎酿成意外事故,并完整地填写表格:Accident/near miss investigation form used and filled out completely.
b) 指令并鼓励雇员报告意外事故和几乎酿成意外事故:Employees instructed and encouraged to report accidents and near misses.
c) 跟进纠正/预防行动,直至这些行动完成:Corrective/preventive actions tracked to completion.
11.17 保证上报意外事故/几乎酿成意外事故的雇员不受到歧视:The factory should ensure employees that reporting accidents against discrimination.
11.18 穿着松身衣物、身上吊挂饰物外露和头披长发的人士一概不得接近开动的机器:Loose clothing, jewelry, and long hair should be prohibited near moving machinery.
11.19 全体雇员都须受过关于机器安全防护的培训:The employees should have been trained on the subject of machine safeguarding.
11.20 受核工厂须提供下列受用的机器安全防护装置:操作点安全防护装置、电力传输安全防护装置、其它危险动件安全防护装置、滑轮和传动带安全防护装置、风扇叶安全防护网罩(网隙大小有一定限制):Machine safeguards should be provided and used: Points of operation, Power transmission devices, other hazardous moving parts, Pulleys and belts, Fan blades protected with a guard and have limited openings.
11.21 应有足够合适的开机/停机控制器:提供给每一名操作员、可防意外起动、控制器附有标贴和/或有适当的色标、采用红色掌压式/菇状紧急停机控制器:Starting/stopping controls should be adequate: Provided for each operator, Protected from accidental activation, Labeled and/or properly color-coded, Emergency stops of the palm/mushroom type and colored red.
11.22 凡上文没有提及的其它机器、设备和各种固定装置,操作状态均须安全:Any machines, equipment, and fixtures not covered above should be in safe operating condition.
11.23 在使用涂料和化学品(例如溶剂、焊药、粉尘)的地方须设置足够合适的局部废气抽排装置:Adequate local exhaust ventilation present where paints and chemicals (e.g., solvents, solder, dust) should be used.
11.24 任何人员暴露于危害物质,暴露剂量均维持不超过最低安全标准:All personnel exposures should be maintained at or below safe exposure levels.
11.25 受核工厂应有一套关于危害能源管制的程序文件:The facility should have a written procedure for the control of hazardous energy.
11.26 须为所有经授权使用涂料/化学品的人员、受影响雇员或其它受危害能源管制程序影响的雇员提供控制程序培训:Training should be provided to all authorized users, affected employees, or other employees who are impacted by the hazardous energy control procedure.
11.27 须有足够的防扰锁具和防干扰挂签等隔离设备可供使用:锁具、挂签、专组锁箱、电箱断路器锁定装置、阀门锁定装置、搭扣:Sufficient lockout and tagout isolation equipment should be available: Locks, Tags, Group lock box, Circuit Breaker lockouts, Valve lockouts, Hasps.
11.28 在对设备和机器进行维修保养之前,首先应把输往这些设备/机器的能源锁断:The energy to equipment and machinery should be locked out prior to service or maintenance.
11.29 须完成一项危害因素评估工作,并保存了有关的记录文件,确定每一项作业场需要的个人防护设备:A documented hazard assessment should has been completed which identifies the personal protective equipment (PPE) required for each operation.
11.30 雇员/访客须获得提供并依规定使用下列器具:眼部/面部防护器具、脚部防护器具、听力保护器具、手部防护器具、头部防护器具、防护衣物、呼吸系统保护器具、供访客用的个人防护器具:The following should be provided and used: Eye/face protection, Foot Protection, Hearing Protection, Hand Protection, Head Protection, Protective Clothing, Respiratory Protection, PPE Provided To Visitors.
11.31 在使用个人防护设备方面,雇员都须经过培训:The employees should have been trained on the subject of personal protective equipment.
11.32 凡须穿着或佩带个人防护设备的地方都须张贴有关的标志:Signs should be posted in all areas where personal protective equipment must be worn.
11.33 经授权操作起重机/吊机的人员都须经过有关工作的安全培训:The authorized crane/hoist operators should be received job-specific safety training.
11.34 规定要对起重机、吊机、吊索进行安全检查:Inspections should be conducted on cranes, hoists, and slings.
11.35 起重机、吊索和吊机上应清楚标示载重容限:Capacity limits should be clearly marked on cranes, slings, and hoists.
11.36 楼梯都应设有扶手和中高栏杆:Stairs should be provided with standard handrails and midrails.
11.37 凡开放式楼梯、平台和升起的地面,所有开放边都应设有护栏:Open stairs, platforms, and elevated floors should be guarded by railings on open sides.
11.38 需要工人在升起的工作平台上执行任务时,应只使用经认可的工作平台:Only approved working platforms are used when employees are elevated to perform work.
11.39 升起的工作平台(即吊笼)应稳妥地同升提设备(即铲车、高升程装置等等)在一起:Elevated work platforms (i.e., baskets), should be secured to the lifting device (i.e., forklift, high lift, etc).
11.40 所有梯子均须在良好的使用状态:All ladders should be in good condition for use.
11.41 地面上和屋顶上的开口均应予以覆盖或防护,以免发生人员或对象下坠事件:Floor and roof openings should be covered or protected to prevent falls.
11.42 受核工厂应有一套关于进入密闭空间地方的程序文件:The facility should have a written procedure for entry into confined space areas.
11.43 进入密闭空间的雇员须接受有关进入密闭空间地方的培训:The employees who enter confined spaces should have been trained on the subject of entry into confined space areas.
11.44 密闭空间应有标识和保安措施:储存缸、处理容器、设有防堤的储存缸场、锅炉、焗炉、地滘、壕沟、输送管、其它密闭空间:Confined spaces must be identified and secured: Storage tanks, Process vessels, Diked tank farms, Boilers, Ovens, Silos, Underground trenches, Enclosed conveyors, Other.
11.45 经授权操作叉车的人员须接受过有关工作的安全培训:The authorized forklift operator should have received forklift safety training.
11.46 贯彻对叉车的日常检验和维修,以维持其良好、安全和有效状态:Forklifts should be inspected and maintained in good, safe, working condition.
11.47 在有人流的地方都须设置“停车”标志和镜子,并展示了限速行车标志:There are “Stop” signs, mirrors, and posted speed limits in areas where pedestrian traffic may be present.
11.48 工人进入货柜装卸货物之前,应首先把挂车/货柜稳稳固定,以防移动:Trailers/containers should be secured from movement prior to entry for loading and unloading.
11c. 环境(Environmental)
11.49 有害废弃物应管理得当:Hazardous waste should be managed properly.
11.50 所有有害废弃物须在经政府批准的场地处置:All hazardous waste should be disposed of at a government approved site.
11.51 受核工厂须领有加工厂废水排放许可证:The facility should have a process waste water discharge permit.
11.52 受核工厂须为所有气体排放点在当地环保当局办妥必要的登记手续:The facility should have obtained the necessary registration from the local environmental agency for all air discharge points.
11.53 为处理生活污水,受核工厂须设有生活污水处理系统或领有排污许可证:The facility should have a septic system or discharge permit to dispose of sewage.