火灾防护(Fire Protection)
10. 火灾防护(Fire Protection)
A) 紧急事故准备状态 Emergency Preparedness
10.1 作业场地须有一套合适的紧急事故准备状态规划书:The site should have an adequate written emergency preparedness plan.
10.2 全体人员都须按照防火和紧急事故准备状态规划接受培训:Personnel should be trained on fire prevention and emergency preparedness plans.
10.3 工厂应指派一名作业场地统筹员负责处理有关防火程序和紧急事故准备状态规划的事务:A site coordinator should have been designated to administer the fire prevention procedures and emergency preparedness plans.
B) 出口与疏散(Exit and Evacuation)
10.4 作业场地应设置了紧急事故警报系统,万一事故时用以通知全体人员撤离作业场地:The site should have an emergency alarm system for notifying personnel to evacuate the site.
10.5 受核工厂应在作业场地的适当地方设置紧急事故电力照明,并且定期查视这些照明设置:Emergency powered lighting should be installed, in appropriate locations and inspected periodically.
10.6 走道和紧急出口门都应有清晰的标示、有照明、出入便捷、内外无阻:Aisles and emergency exit doors should be clearly marked, illuminated, accessible, and kept clear of obstructions, internally and externally.
10.7 工作区内须张贴疏散路线图,而路线图上附有清楚的说明,指导如何向外疏散:Evacuation route should be posted in the work areas with clear directions on how to exit.
10.8 每个雇员最少可以使用两个开在远处的紧急出口:Each employee should have access to not less than two remotely located emergency exits.
10.9 门、走廊和那些有可能被误作紧急出口的门、通道都须适当地标示着“此非出口”:Door, passageways, or those that could be mistaken for emergency exits should be appropriately marked “NOT AN EXIT”.
10.10 紧急出口门均不能上锁,可以顺着疏散方向向前推开,无需运用任何特别开门知识:Emergency exit doors should be open freely (unlocked) in the direction of travel, and without any special knowledge to open.
10.11 作业场地每年都应做一次紧急疏散演习:The site should conduct annual emergency evacuation drills.
C) 内务管理(Housekeeping)
10.12 垃圾废料须储存在非易燃的容器内,并经常清理:Trash should be stored in non-combustible containers and emptied on a regular basis.
10.13 易燃的废屑、碎料和废弃物料(例如油抹布)须存放在有盖的金属容器里,并即时搬离工作场地:Combustible scraps, debris and waste materials (e.g。oily rags) should be stored in covered metal containers and removed from the work site promptly.
10.14 受核工厂无论什么时候都应该没有过量的易燃物料:The areas should be free of excessive combustible materials.
10.15 地面应经常保持清洁,没有散布溢出物和物料:Floors should be kept clean from spills and materials.
10.16 容器上应有标贴标示所载何物,并存放妥善:Containers should be labeled with their contents and properly stored.
10.17 存在危险因素的地方和其它地方都因应实际需要适当地张贴了表示“不准吸烟”的标志:Hazardous and other areas should be posted with “No Smoking” signs appropriately.
10.18 诸如便携式加热器、马达、烘炉等等生热设备均应易燃物料(包括粉尘、脂膏、油和纤维)保持适当距离:Heat producing equipment such as portable heaters, motors, ovens, etc。should be kept clear of combustible materials (including dust, grease, oil, and fibers).
10.19 物料无论在建筑物内或建筑物外均须储存妥当:Materials should be stored inside and outside of the building properly.
D) 电气(Electrical)
10.20 电气设备和布线均须有妥善的保养、覆盖/绝缘,以防电线外露:Electrical equipment and wiring should be maintained, covered/insulated to prevent exposure of wires properly.
10.21 接驳到电气装置、插头、断路器和其它设备上的电线均应接驳妥当:Wire should be attached to fixture, plugs, circuit breakers, and other equipment properly.
10.22 接线盒、电源插座、配电盘等装置须设有封盖,而且没有受到阻碍:Electrical covers should be in place for junction boxes, outlets, panel boards and they are free from obstruction.
10.23 作业场地应设有避雷系统:The site should have a lightning protection system.
E) 特别的危险因素(Special Hazards)
10.24 可燃物料须妥善存放在安全柜子和/或通风良好、电气系统有适当防护的可燃物品储存室里:Flammable materials should be properly stored in safe cabinets and/or properly ventilated flammable storage rooms with appropriately protected electrical systems.
10.25 使用中的可燃性液体须用安全的分装容器妥善储存:Flammable liquids in use should be properly stored in safety dispensing containers.
10.26 工厂应建立一套为作业场地使用火焰或产生火花的作业(例如熔接、研磨、切割、硬焊、软焊)的热工作程序:The site should have a hot-work procedure established for operations using flames or producing sparks (welding/grinding/cutting/brazing/soldering).
10.27 气瓶的标示、使用、查验、储存、保安等等均须妥善得当:Gas cylinders should be properly marked, used, inspected, stored and secured.
10.28 须为可燃尘屑粉末(木屑、面粉、淀粉等等)作业维持专用区,并保持这些专用区清洁:Combustible dust operation areas should be maintained and clean (wood/flour/starch).
10.29 须为溶液喷涂或产生粉尘的作业维持专用区,并保持这些专用区清洁,通风良好,所有建构物料都是不可燃的,同火焰、火花、操作中的电动马达和其它火源保持距离起码6米(20呎):Solvent spray painting or dust-producing operation areas should be maintained, clean and constructed of non-combustible materials with adequate ventilation and/or at least 20 feet (6 meter) from flames, sparks, operating electric motors, and other ignition sources.
10.30 进行喷涂作业时,应有良好的通风,以防易燃蒸汽积聚:Adequate ventilation should be present to prevent accumulation of flammable vapors during spraying operations.
10.31 全体人员在易燃性和可燃性物料的装卸、储运和使用等各方面均应受过妥善的培训:Personnel should be properly trained in the handing and use of flammable and combustible materials.
F) 消防警报器与灭火器(Alarms and Extinguishers)
10.32 消防警报系统应有清楚的标示,取用方便,而且保持操作正常:Fire alarms should be clearly marked, accessible, and maintained operational.
10.33 可供使用的合适灭火器数量应足够,有清楚的标示,而且取用方便:Adequate fire extinguishers should be clearly marked, available and accessible.
10.34 灭火器应装满灭火剂,而且每月有人执行外观检查:Fire extinguishers should be fully charged and visually inspected monthly.
10.35 负责回应紧急事故的人员都应受过正确使用灭火器的训练:Emergency response personnel should be trained on proper operation of fire extinguishers.
10.36 发生火灾后,必须调查火灾的根由,并进行有关的检讨,以防火灾再度发生:Fire should be investigated to determine root cause and examined to prevent a reoccurrence.
10.37 其它灭火设备均须有例常检查和保养:Other fire fighting equipment should be routinely inspected and maintained.