强迫劳动(Forced Labor)
5.a 强迫劳动(Forced Labor)
5.1 受核工厂应有一套符合《国际玩具业协会商业行为守则》的强迫劳动政策文件:The facility should have a written policy concerning forced labor, which meets the requirements of the ICTI Code.
5.4 雇员只要提出合理期限通知,便可依期离职:Employees should be permitted to leave employment after giving reasonable notice.
5.b 囚工(Prison Labor)
5.6 受核工厂应有一套关于禁止在厂内使用囚工或把生产交由监狱承包的政策文件:Facility should have a written policy against the use of prison labor in their facility or subcontracting to prisons.