工资和福利(Wages and Compensation)
3. 工资和福利(Wages and Compensation)
3.1 工厂应制订符合当地法律的工资与补偿政策文件:The factory should write a policy on wages and compensation which is in compliance with the local laws.
3.2 法定的或公司自定的最低工资表应公开张贴或可供雇员索阅:Legal and company minimum wage rates should be posted or available to employees.
3.4 根据法定工资代扣规定从工资中正确代扣金额,并把代扣金额代缴到有关机构:Legally required withholdings should be withheld correctly, and be paid to the proper agencies.
3.5 关于这些工资代扣和其它工资抵扣,须在雇员正式受雇之前向雇员声明:Employees should be made aware of these withholdings and other deductions prior to employment.
3.6 膳食住宿抵额应合理合法:Deductions for food and housing should be reasonable and legal.
3.7 就公司提供物品所作的抵扣应合理合法:Deductions for company provided items should be reasonable and legal.
3.8 法定的福利(例如花红、奖金、有薪假期、膳食津贴等等)须依法提供:Legally required benefits should be provided (bonus, paid vacation, meal allowances, etc.).
3.9 雇员须收到明细工资放单:Employees should receive detailed paystubs.
3.10 雇员应获得定时发放工资津贴:Employees should be paid in a timely manner.
3.11 关于雇员领取工资津贴的安排应简便易行:The payment of wages should be made readily available to employees.