Freedom of Association结社自由Target seek suppliers productively engage workers andvalue them as critical assets to sustainable business success.供应商应重视员工,视其为支持公司永续经营成功的重要资产
• Respect the rights of workers to make an informed decision尊重员工做决定的权利
• Worker’s wellness to associate with any group员 工自愿参与任何社团组织
• Applying with local law遵守法律要求
Animal Welfare保护动物
Expect suppliers engage in practices that promote thewelfare of animals参与保护动物的行动
• Environment free from distress cruelty and neglect提供无残暴和忽视的环境
• Consistent with laws遵守法令
• Industry guidelines遵循行业规范
Environmental Sustainability环境可持续性
Suppliers must have environmental monitoring systems which accurately measure and track operational and production impacts to air, water and any other environmental system which may be deemed necessary.供应商需有环境监控体系以确保对空气,水或别的必要环境因素采取有效监测追踪
• Ensure compliance with local law
• Utilize industry aligned oversight (Higg Environmental Module)
• Mitigate risk of product disruption due to factory closures
• NGO endorsed (NRDC and IPE)