Section 4 –成品检验及缺陷判定 Finishing Goods Inspection and Defect Judgement
4.1产品检验前的要求 Requirement Before Product Inspection
4.1.1执行产品检验的人员必须是 BBY 认可的检验员及获得过 BBY 颁发 CQI 证书; Inspector for implementation BBY product inspection must be certified quality inspector with BBY award CQI certification;
4.1.2负责 BBY 产品检验的 QE 或主管提供相关的文件资料给到检验员,包括如下内容:
Vendor quality engineer or supervisor with charging for BBY product inspection provide related documents as below to inspector:
1)船头板 (供应商自行封样)MP Golden sample from 1st shipment sealed by vendor self;
2)BBY 承认的检验规范, 产品规格书, 包装相关的文档 ARTWORK; BBY approved inspection standard, product specification and package artwork, QSG etc.
3)BBY PO#相关的文件; BBY PO# documents;
4)供应商内部批准的物料 BOM; BOM list approved by vendor internal team;
4.1.3 检验设备 equipment for inspection:
1)检验设备必须定义在检验规范相应检验项目内; Equipment for inspection must be defined in related items of inspection standard requirement;
2)检验设备必须校验合格方可使用; equipment for inspection must be calibrated and qualified before use;
3)检验设备必须有明确的状态标识如仪器型号,规格,设备应安全接地等; Equipment for inspection must be clear status labeling such as model number, spec and earth connection for safety consideration;
4)个别检验设备如高压仪,音视频信号发生器等需要有日常的维护点检; Some special equipment for inspection such as hi-pot instrument, audio/video signal generator must have daily maintenance and check;
5)个别检验设备如视频信号发生器需要简易信号源操作说明帖于设备显眼处,方便检验员操作; Some special equipment for inspection such as hi-pot instrument, audio/video signal generator must have operation guide closing the equipment and easy to get;
4.1.4 检验区域环境要求 Requirement for environment of inspection area:
1)检验环境符合 5S 要求; Inspection environment is to meet 5S requirement;
2)常温,光源为 800Lux 以上 Normal temperature, light source is 800Lux above;
4.1.5 检验过程中产品外观保护要求 Product appearance protection during product inspection
1)检验员须佩带干净的手套、手上不能有金属类装饰物; Inspection must wear clear gloves without wearing any metal or golden decorations;
2)针对一些高光面或易碎性产品,在拆包后,要求将机器放置于保持垫或保护套中; Some high gloss or fragile product must be placed protection cushion after disassemble package;
4.2产品检验中的要求 Requirement for Product inspection is in process
4.2.1 检验人员检视角度:水平垂直±45℃,检视距离:25~40cm; View angle for inspector implement inspection: horizontal/vertical ±45℃, inspection distance: 25~40cm;
4.2.2检验人员按照参考样品, 检验规范, 产品规格书等相关的要求对产品进行检验; Inspector implement inspection based on inspection standard, product spec etc.
4.2.3检验人员按照检验区域划分对已检合格,已检不合格及待检的产品进行实时操作及管理; Inspector need mange inspected product with pass, NG or product with waiting for inspection in related inspection areas;
4.2.4检验人员作好相应的检验记录.如下信息必须包括在检验记录里: Inspector must record all inspected product with below information:
1)所检验产品的序列号,卡通箱号,及日期编码; S/N, Carton No., Date Code for Inspected product;
2)不良品的数量,序列号及详细的问题点描述; Defect product quantities, S/N and specified issue description;
4.3产品检验后的要求 Requirements After Finishing Inspection:
4.3.1 检验合格的产品处理要求 Process requirement for inspection passed product:
1)QA 检验人员按照包装 SOP 重新包装检验合格的产品,并由非包装 QA 检验员督查是否按 SOP 要求执行; QA inspector re-pack inspection passed product by package SOP, then the QA inspector with non-implementation package audit if re-package is implemented by SOP requirement;
2)经过拆解的产品及 ORT 测试过的产品,必须到生产线重流,在线检查及包装; The product with implantation on-going reliability testing or disassembled must be re-went through production line, on-line QC check and re-package;
4.3.2检验 LOT 判定标识 - QA 检验人员根据检验结果对检验 LOT 进行状态标识如检验合格,不合格,待处理等; Inspected lot judgement labelling – QA inspector must label inspection status e.g. PASSED, FAILED or NG, Pending etc. on inspection lot;
4.3.3缺陷产品判定:Product defect judgement:
1)QA 检验人员按照检验规范判剧表对缺陷产品进行初始判定; QA inspector mak